Fast Meat from Austin, TEXAS

With football season in full gear, what to feed all those hungry mouths gathered around the TV? Even though I am all about grilling up the meat, sometimes I just don’t want to jump through all the hoops……cleaning the grill, starting the fire, cutting the wood…ect, you know what I mean. So I have been on the lookout for the fast, big meat serving situation that doesn’t involve a huge mess or fifteen different steps to prepare the meal.
Around the corner from my house is La Michoacana Meat Market. You might have one in your neighborhood. I discovered that La Michoacana has pre marinated fajita meat for sale by the lb. How convenient is this. I was planning to have a few of the guys around for some drinking and some heavy bullshitting. It’s a guys thing…what can I say. If your friends are anything like my friends, it takes a cow and a keg to keep them satisfied.
So I headed down to La Michoacana, and pick up 7lbs of the fajita meat at $4lb. When I got home, I only had a few minuets until the guys would start showing up. I grabbed the largest cooking sheet I have, covered it with foil and laid out the meat. I cut an onion and bell pepper, sprinkled over the meat and presto, I had food ready to go. I cranked the oven to 425 degrees and let the meat cook. About 25mins later, Mr. Bestdressed showed up, with a 12 pack of XX, just as I was pulling out the cooked fajita. Combined with some fresh tortillas from HEB and some la Serial beans, I like the chipotle, we had a serious meat eating situation going on. And let me tell you, the fajita was so tender, it was falling apart. Tough fajita is no bueno!
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